20FIFTY Partners Awarded €380K for Circular Tourism Research by Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have announced new funding for environmental and climate research in Ireland, with funding of €14.3 million awarded for 33 new research projects. 20FIFTY Partners are delighted to be included under the award for Facilitating a Green & Circular Economy with a 3-year €380K funded research project to help promote sustainable tourism.

Tourism is one of the biggest contributors to Ireland’s economy, but it can have a negative impact on the environment and the tourism sector has an important role to play in tackling climate change. While there are initiatives within the tourism sector in Ireland aimed at promoting environmental sustainability for businesses, addressing issues such as energy and waste management, the transition to a circular economy is recognised as an essential building block in reducing pressure on natural resources.

20FIFTY Partners Research Team

Due to the complex nature of transitioning to a circular economy, research is required to investigate how it can be applied to the tourism sector in Ireland to make it more environmentally sustainable. Over the course of the next 3 years, 20FIFTY Partners will work closely with national stakeholders such as Fáilte Ireland in delivering a national roadmap for circular economy in the tourism sector with key deliverables including:

  • Identify approaches and opportunities for integrating the circular economy into the tourism sector in Ireland.
  • Develop suitable indicators for measuring the effectiveness of these approaches that can be applied at both national, regional, and local levels.
  • Develop case studies from representative tourist areas in Ireland to explore where issues relating to the circular economy are arising, or may arise, and to recommend potential solutions.
  • Develop a national roadmap for circular economy in the tourism sector in Ireland.